Many women are afraid of egg donation in Arizona because they have this erroneous belief that egg donation could reduce their chances of getting pregnant in the future. You are reading this piece probably because you also have the belief. 

Well, your fear is understandable, and it is not out of place. However, contrary to your belief, according to a highly reputable fertility center in Scottsdale, donating your eggs will not affect your chancing of getting pregnant in the future. 

Here’s why. Egg donation has nothing to do with egg supply.  Before the explanation of how it works, you may want to hear about a particular study that took place in Belgium. It involved a group of 60 women who had donated their eggs earlier. 

It was found out that 54 of them got pregnant within a year of making efforts to conceive. Another three got pregnant within 18 months. That pushes the total to 57 women. The other three were also able to get pregnant with different fertility treatments.  No, it’s not what you’re thinking. The fertility problems were in their male partners and not in the women. 

Now, let’s explain why egg donation will not affect your chances of conception. At puberty, your ovaries will have about 400,000 eggs and about 15 to 20 eggs get matured in the follicles that are inside your ovaries, in every menstrual cycle. It is usually only one follicle that will release an egg for ovulation. Your body will discard the other mature eggs.

For egg donation, you will be given medications that will hasten the maturity of the same number of eggs. It is from the eggs that will get discarded that you will donate. And after donating the eggs, the medications will be stopped. Your body system will return to its original state. So, based on the explanation given above, how will egg donation affect future conception?  No, it can’t.  

For Conception to Occur, All the Following Events Must Happen:

One of your ovaries must release a mature egg.

The egg has to be accepted by your fallopian tube

Your partner’s sperm must get to the cervix, and swim through your uterus and get to your fallopian tube to fertilize the egg that was picked up.

After fertilization, the egg will travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus. 

Finally, the fertilized egg will implant itself, and begin to grow in your uterus. 

If you’ve ever donated your eggs and now you have fertility problems, it must have been caused by something else, not egg donation. That’s why we’ll discuss the common factors that can affect fertility.

Factors That May Affect Your Fertility

High alcohol consumption: There’s a link between high alcohol intake and conception. It is believed that too much alcohol may reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

Diseases: Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and Chlamydia can damage your fallopian tube and prevent conception. 

Weight: Being overweight can impact your normal ovulation negatively. This is why it is necessary to watch your weight. 

Smoking: According to experts, smoking increases your risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. Women should smoke moderately, especially when they are planning to get pregnant. 

Age:  The quantity and quality of your eggs will begin to reduce with age, starting from 30. 


To wrap things up, donating your eggs cannot affect your chances of getting pregnant in future. No correlation has been established between the two. So, if you’re having fertility issues, it’s probably caused by something else.