One of the big movement seen in tech over the past few years has been leaning into individual users right to repair their own devices at a time where many are becoming sealed off and increasingly difficult to make changes to – this is becoming more essential with changing tech habits, resources at digitalnomads.world for example show the best tech for those looking to work on the road and need that flexibility in their device, and at a time where these bad practices are becoming more visible than ever and leading to more support over time too.
(Image from edie.net)
Apple has been heralded as one of the biggest contributors to this problem over the years for a number of different reasons – from having a screw head specifically designed for the phone which requires specialist tools to open through to voiding warranty or even rendering the device useless if a third-party tries to access it without specific Apple tools, it is just one of many examples of how current technology is designed in such a way that only manufacturers directly can make repairs, and more often than not can lead to a device needing to be completely replaced rather than simply repaired.
Whilst there has been significant change in the ground gained by the right to repair particularly in countries such as the UK in recent years, it’s still lacking the legs it needs to really push for change with the latest language focusing more around planned obsolescence and how larger white appliances in particular are seemingly designed to fail after a certain period of time without the tools needed or spare parts needed to effectively repair them – changes here include labels showing the planned lifespan and design changes that will need to incorporate a longer lasting life cycle too in an effort to combat this.
It isn’t just technology at home that is being impacted by this either as the change is also happening in other industries such as automobiles – the widespread use of EV vehicles, whilst great for the environment, comes at its own downside as some manufacturers insist on the repairs being made directly by the manufacturer – somewhat understandable as working with higher voltages and dangerous batteries is a skillset of its own, but at premium prices and with no competition the non-competitive nature is what is currently being combat against.
Change is certainly needed and the sooner it comes the better, more individuals even those who may not be as tech savvy are being made aware of the right to repair and the movement is growing, it may bring an end to simple and sleek unibody designed devices, but with the benefits of being repairable once more.