Generators are used for different tasks but they can be divided into two categories: “off-grid” generators and “on-grid” generators. Off-grid generators are available in battery or fuel form. On-grid generators have batteries or fuel cells as their source of power. Some on-grid generators have some kind of inverter that converts the AC current from other sources (e.g., solar panels) into DC current that can be used to power appliances, lights, etc., while others do not use any kind of inverter.
Below are reasons to invest in a backup generator:
A backup generator helps you to keep your system working when the power is out. It can also be used in your home or office. A backup generator is a device that supplies electricity to a system that is not powered by conventional sources, such as a car battery, solar panels and wind turbines. The generator’s output is derived from the energy stored in one or more batteries. The batteries are charged during off-peak periods and discharged during peak periods or when the power grid is stressed.
The output of the generator can be used for many purposes, including: Generating electrical energy for use in homes, businesses, and other high-use applications; Shaping power grid output to meet peak demand times during the day or evening; Providing backup generation to reduce system stress during peak periods when conventional power sources are unavailable; and/or providing capacity margin to balance energy supply and demand during peak periods.
The power grid can be stressed by: – High demand for electrical power;- Extreme weather conditions;- Increased usage of electronic appliances;- Unplanned outages or disruptions to electrical infrastructure, such as faults in substations or transmission lines; and/or changes in environmental conditions caused by the environment.
Generators can be used to power devices that do not require AC current, such as fans, lights or refrigerators. They can be used by themselves to supply electricity while producing no heat. They can also be used in places where AC current is not available when solar cells are unavailable (e.g., remote homes).
Fully automatic generators are usually used in homes, offices, and factories. They generate power by automatically adjusting the settings of a generator’s controls to maintain an average output level while supplying power to the load. A fully automatic generator may be operated by a remote control using radio or even an infrared remote or push button interface.
A fully automatic generator can also be operated manually, but the control may be more sophisticated than the remote controls and may call for a great deal of training. All fully automatic generators are rated to deliver a specified output when they are run at full power, but they all also have an automatic cut off feature that automatically shuts down the generator when demand is low (e.g., if power consumption drops below a predetermined level).