The TOEFL is an English test that allows you to validate your English level with a university or a company. There are two versions of the TOEFL, the TOEFL IBT, and the TOEFL ITP. What are their specificities? Their differences? Find out which version of TOEFL is best suited to your needs.
Toefl Ibt
The acronym IBT stands for the “Internet Base Test.” This means that this test takes place on a computer. It is the most common version of TOEFL. It is rated on 120 points and different when you want to study GED (เรียน ged which is the term in Thai).
The test lasts 4 hours and allows you to measure your English skills through 4 parts:
- Listening comprehension
- Written comprehension
- Oral expression
- The written expression
The test is, therefore, very comprehensive because it includes the 4 aspects of the language. It is for this reason that the TOEFL IBT is the test most often accepted in foreign universities that require a certain level of English. It is also systematically requested in Anglo-Saxon universities.
Registration for the TOEFL IBT is done on the ETS website, by phone or by post. It will cost you $ 245. When registering, you can choose a center where to take the exam. Although the test is done on a computer, it must, however, be taken in an examination center approved by the ETS. There is a large number in the Paris region and the largest cities in France.
Toefl Itp
The acronym ITP, or formerly PBT, means “Paper Base Test,” in other words, the test is done on paper, not on the computer. Unlike the TOEFL IBT, the TOEFL ITP is rated on 677 but lasts only 115 min.
The test is shorter because it only has two parts:
- Listening comprehension
- Written comprehension
Because of its structure, the TOEFL ITP is often considered simpler than the TOEFL IBT, but this is not without its drawbacks and a toefl ibt tutor (ติว toefl ibt which is the term in Thai)
It should be noted that the TOEFL ITP cannot be taken as a free candidate; it must be carried out in a school setting. Generally, this test can be taken following an agreement between two partner universities in exchange, for example. This also implies that foreign universities do not systematically accept TOEFL ITP. It is, therefore, necessary to check beforehand that this test is accepted by the university concerned, because this is not always the case.